5 Easy and Fast Methods to Remove Car Wax from Plastic

Remove Car Plastic Wax

Owning a car is fun, but maintaining it is not so much fun; it’s a hassle. Maintaining a car takes a lot of time and effort.

As for waxing, there’s nothing to worry about because it’s not difficult. You don’t need a lot of complicated tools or a lot of time to remove the wax and clean it.

Instead, scrub away the wax with a toothbrush and eraser, or use a wax remover product, and you’re done. You need to know how to remove car wax from plastic using these things.

Let us share some ways in this article to help you get your car back to its new look.

Why Do You Need to Remove Car Wax from Plastic?

Of course, you don’t want your favorite car to look faded or old. But yes, this happens if you don’t remove the wax from your car. Leaving the car wax on for a long time makes it difficult to remove later.

Also, since plastic surfaces have a certain amount of flex and absorb moisture, they are considered “soft” materials. This makes it more vulnerable to scratches and damage.  

5 Methods to Remove Car Wax from Plastic

Porous materials, such as plastic, absorb liquids, including grease and grime from the road or excess wax from cleaning your car, which remains embedded in the pores.

These contaminants must be removed before you can appropriately clean and give your plastics a “new looking” position. 

Here are 5 ways for you to restore your car to its original shine. 

1. Use A Toothbrush

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If you get car wax on the plastic surface, you can do it with a little cuticle or fingernail brash on. But a toothbrush works well in tight confines. In addition, it is common for plastic trim pieces to be textured and cellular, which results in wax particles getting stuck inside them. 

This type of wax is quite difficult to remove. Water and soap alone cannot remove the particles. For this, there is some wax remover spray-on products on the market. Start by spraying the all-purpose cleaner on the trim where there is a thick layer of wax and leave it for 5 minutes to sit. 

Now take an old or new toothbrush with soft bristles that won’t damage your paintwork and rub it on the plastic trim. After scrubbing with a toothbrush, wipe with a soft dry cloth and dry off.

2. Using Eraser

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An eraser could be the best tool to get wax off your vehicle’s trim. It can be a white eraser, a pencil eraser, or a magic eraser. So, take any one of the erasers and start rubbing gently. After scrubbing, use a towel and brush it over the trim to wipe off the eraser shavings.

It removes wax completely and very quietly as well. You can also use a microfiber cloth instead of a towel for better cleaning.

3. Wax Remover Spray

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If toothbrushes and erasers don’t work, wax remover sprays can be used. These sprays are designed to remove the wax from the plastic stream easily.

Spray the remover on the wax-embedded area of the trim and rub it with a cloth or towel. If the wax is hard to remove, use a brush instead of a cloth or towel. In that case, first, rub with a brush and then wipe with a cloth. 

4. The Rubbing Alcohol Remover

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Rubbing alcohol, which you may already have in your hand, works well to remove wax from the car’s plastic surface and is inexpensive. For safety and effectiveness without using water, you can spray, rub lightly with an old toothbrush, and wipe with a soft cloth. 

Another way to remove the wax, dip a soft towel or a toothbrush in rubbing alcohol and scrub it over the affected area. When it comes up spotlessly, wipe it with a dry clean cloth.

 Remember that rubbing alcohol leaves a white, cloudy residue when it dries. 

5. Heavy-Duty Cleaner

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We can also recommend heavy-duty cleansers for removing wax from vinyl seats and rubber surfaces. The trim can be cleaned with this tool to remove wax buildup and other unwanted materials.

You just need to scrub a bit. As well as that, it makes your plastic or car’s black trim shine after application. If you’re looking for a more powerful cleaner, you have a wide variety of gels and liquids to choose from.


Are dishwashers and soups usable to remove car wax from plastic?

No, we can’t recommend you use a dishwasher or soap to remove wax from a vehicle. Because of its abrasive properties, dish soap can oxidize and degrade the vehicle’s body.

Would oil work to remove wax?

Although peanut butter is a well-known home remedy for all but the best, you should not use it. If you use it, you won’t be able to remove the wax from the peanut butter once it becomes greasy because it is very oily. So while this won’t harm your car wax or ruin your entire job, it’s not a good solution.

What if I don’t remove the car wax from the plastic trim?

If you want to clean the car wax, it is better to remove it as soon as it is affected. Otherwise, it will become difficult to remove after drying. Sometimes it may not be removable. As a result, your car will lose its new look and look faded.


Many removal methods are mildly harsh and should be used cautiously when removing wax and other contaminants from plastic trim. Wax doesn’t damage trim since it won’t affect the paint you use on your paint.

Ultimately, it depends on the product you use for your paint.

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